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One girl's blog on the eternal effort of finally becoming the person I really want to be. We only live once and so its time fo rme to stop sitting back and dreaming about what I want in life, now its time to become that dream...tears, tantrums, triumphs and laughter - all part of game!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

2007…New Year, New Mel!!!

Yep I just as the title says….I am all determined to make myself really happy this year, to complete the challenges and goals I’ve wanted for ages but never got to!

I’m not a big New Year’s Resolution person so I’m not gonna call this new found motivation a resolution, its more of a life changing attitude!

Quick run down of the silly season

Surprisingly I’m sure I have been a lot better than previous years. I’ve continued the gym or walking the river daily only missing the days it was closed, so I’m really proud of that. I only drank on the actual special days, not before or the on the eve etc….and I did eat chocolate and naughty stuff but tried to be as good as possible around those times…so all in all I’m pretty happy with those little achievements to start.

Our Xmas was good – very busy. Did the usual lunch with Stu’s family and then dinner at our place with my family. I got Stu a table tennis table so we had fun playing that with the family – love table tennis! And I got the complete DVD series of Sex and the City – OMG, just my favourite show ever, so now must plan a “SATC marathon” with my girlfriends and cosmopolitans of course…haha

My birthday was the 28th so I had a champas brunch with my girlfriends and my Mummy and then went to Mindarie’s to a new pub up that way with my brother and sister-in-law and drank the afternoon away, it was really good fun! And then that evening Stuart to me for a picnic down at the river. He was soo cute he even took our little glass outdoor table and chairs so we just on the riverbank with all sorts of yummy nibbles and champagne…as you can guess, I pretty much just passed out by the time I got home…best birthday is many years!

New Years Eve, was ok. Not the best actually but so be it…am over it. Had people over to ours for pre-drinks and then went to the Broken Hill. It was quite good. I was meant to go to Perth Cup the next day but I just couldn’t be bothered and was feeling a little sorry for myself so I had a 12 hour marathon of SATC by myself at home – I did eat crap but the consolation was that I didn’t drink…so that’s gotta be something!

The New Year….

Well to start with, I think I am going to find a new job. I work with my husband, only 3 days a week but I think it would be good for me to get my own life a little more and start working back in the city. It does mean I will have to work 5 days a week so I get the same money and I won’t just have flexibility to do what I want and when Stu flies over east I will have to fly out by myself on the Friday night and come back early Mondays or late Sundays but so be it…I think it will be really good for me to meet new people and try to become the “social fun Mel” I once was. Working with mechanics in the hills does not help….

On top of that I’ve really looked at my life and what I want. I want to be happy, I want to be independent and more carefree, I want to have the body I have always wanted and I want to see my friends more. I’m too young to be as old as I acting and feeling for the last couple years.

So its now time for me to make more time to do things I want to do, go see my friends after work more etc… I feel really good about getting into tip top shape – I just have this sudden motivation that I don’t think I have had ever before, I know what I want and I will do it – maybe its because I have been good the last month and gyming it and I am starting to feel the positiveness from it….

**Oh also I have my food under heaps better control at work now and its made such a huge difference already!! No picking on my husband’s food at work now, I just have my fruit and my salads and I’m happy…la la lahhhhhh**

Anyways that’s about it from me for this blog, think I will start blogging what my exercise routines are, help me stay on track and up the anti a little bit!

Love to you all,


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday!

Great effort on staying focussed over the festive season - wish I could say the same!

I started back at the gym tonight so I'll keep an eye out for a short blonde chick!

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Brithday Mel. :o)

Don't beat yourself up to much over what you did in the past simply focus on the now and focus on doing the best that you can do today. One day at a time is enough for anyone to deal with then worry about tomorrow when it gets here. :o)

Posting up your training is a great idea not only for youself but it also makes you accountable. Well that's what I have found and I'll be doing the same this year once I start back. :o)

Lia :o)

Anonymous said...

Hi Melly!

Great to hear from you...thanks for the comment! Yeah....Perth Cup was a huge effort but it was good fun!
I love your goals....yiu are inspiring! I know how it is to work with family and as much as it has it's advantages, it's great to be 'solo' too!
Hope you can make it to the bloggers picnic!


Bec said...

Hi Mel,

It sounds as though you really have your new year in check. You sound incredibly motivated with your goals.

Good luck and I can't wait to read all about it.


Amanda said...

Happy belated Birthday Mel!

Hope you achieve your goals... and can make it to the picnic: 4th Feb, details are on my blog :)