About Me

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One girl's blog on the eternal effort of finally becoming the person I really want to be. We only live once and so its time fo rme to stop sitting back and dreaming about what I want in life, now its time to become that dream...tears, tantrums, triumphs and laughter - all part of game!

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Wake up call....

Yup!!! Well first of all let me say how much I totally love my trainer! I have known him for years now and he is just awesome....I did a great leg train with him yesterday (feeling it today!) but beforehand I summoned up the courage to weigh myself on the scales there. I haven't done so for ages as I need to be in the right mood otherwise I will get really really upset and get a bit depressed and teary etc...the scales at the gym are extremely accurate.

Anyways soo the dreaded weigh in....54.5kg! I did not get upset as deep down I knew this would be the case. At the begginning of the year I was 52.5kg and on my frame the 2 - 3kg increase is VERY noticeable....but I didn't let it effect me too much whilst training, I trained really hard and no tears or anything - I think because it just confirmed what I have been telling myself for the last month now.

I had a good chat with my trainer about it and mainly about my stomach as I seem to be really sensitive to foods (IBS I think). And because I am soo constantly blocked up and look 3 months pregnant he went over changing the fibrous foods I eat - so I am. I'm concentrating on making sure each and everyone of my meals contains good amounts of fibre. Instead of having my afternoon apple snack I had 3 dried apricots & 4 prunes and seriously 2 hours later I had the worst stomach cramps - so something worked, but not too the extent I need but it kinda proved to me that I'm either not eating enough fibre or not eating the right fibre....

So today I'm sitting here is very very uncomfortable cargo pants - they used to hang off me and now they are soo tight the buttons keep popping, but I wore them on purpose to remind myself of the challenge ahead.

I am positive I can change - I think I have just been slack with exercise and eating the wrong foods this year. I mean, I NEVER eat chocolate and yet this year I have eaten soo much.....so there's a clue to the weight gain...hehe

I'm thinking of doing a proper 12-week challenge but I'm a little scared I guess - I'm scared of being boring on weekends and I'm scared of the foods I have to eat, it always seems like soo much, and all the protein and I guess I have the mentality that I'm already putting on weight with what I am eating now imagine increasing it!

Well there you go, I'm being very honest with my thoughts and fears today......

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Week Three, Day 15...

Hmmm...well it is already week 3 and I have noticed a bit of a pattern occuring. I do soo well during the week and low and behold I stuff it all up over the weekend.

Yep, did more gym sessions last week so I was happy with that but then of course I overate and drank wayyyy too much on Sat night and then it just spiralled into drinking wayyyy too much and eating wayyy too much on Sunday too...

Grrr....so I was rather grumpy yesterday and probably took it out on my hubby a bit too much *oophs* Plus went home early as wasn't feeling too well, probably a combination of things!

Anyways I have re-grouped today and am learning things as each week goes by. I put in soo much effort during the week that I should have more pride in what I have done and not ruin it just for the weekend. That does not mean I won't have a drink because I will, I find I do need to be social but what I need to learn is to keep it to one day and one day only.

This weekend is my step-Dad's birthday so Sat night I am having the family over for dinner, so am making chicken lasagne and I will have wine with them all that night to celebrate but will not have any on Sunday and will get back on track rather than leaving it til Monday *new Melly*...yah!

Anyways I didn't want to post today as I am still feeling a bit yuk and am having to talk myself out of feeling sorry for myself so that I go to the gym today. Although I may just do weights and perhaps 20 mins bike as both my calves are soo sore - I was wearing heels earlier today and I think my calves cramped up and I have had to change into my gym gear so as to help ease off my calves....very strange.....

Anyways enough babble...onwards!!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Week Two, Day Eleven...

Howdy everyone,

Okay well my day has progressed along very nicely I have to say. I dropped Stu off at the airport late last night...so he is all gone til Sunday night now!

Anyways yesterday I had planned to do a cardio/weights workout but it didn't happen however I did walk home 3.5km so at least I did something. Therefore today was meant to be my day off but because I missed my session yesterday I made up for it today and did a cardio session. I actually got out of work for an hour and did it about 2.30pm...phew that took it out of me, not used to training in the middle of the day.

It was really hard today and I didn't even think I was pushing it but I really worked up a sweat and quite a bit of huffing so something is working!

So I am really pleased with myself this week, coz I have basically kept all my planned workouts and have tomorrow and Sat to go and have slotted those two in easily so no excuses.

I have a friend staying over on Saturday night and we are going for a big walk in the arvo - gonna do the girly "healthy pizza", drinks, play some pool and have a spa type night. Then she is coming with me to the gym on Sunday so I am getting some good extra sessions in with a friend even!

Jaime-Lee, I have just popped over to your blog and I am soo proud of you for writing down exactly how you are feeling, its soo important to look back and be reminded of feelings and thoughts and not hiding from them!

Okay off I go...gotta finish up at work and close up soon - I hope!

Links...does anyone know how to add links...I am hopeless!!
Something to ponder...

A great note for all to read it will take just 37 seconds to read this and change your thinking..

Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room.
One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs. His bed was next to the room's only window. The other man had to spend all his time flat on his back.

The men talked for hours on end. They spoke of their wives and families, their homes, their jobs, their involvement in the military service, where they had been on vacation.

Every afternoon when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window. The man in the other bed began to live for those one hour periods where his world would be broadened and enlivened by all the activity and colour of the world outside.

The window overlooked a park with a lovely lake. Ducks and swans played on the water while children sailed their model boats. Young lovers walked arm in arm amidst flowers of every colour and a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance.

As the man by the window described all this in exquisite detail, the man on the other side of the room would close his eyes and imagine the picturesque scene. One warm afternoon the man by the window described a parade passing by. Although the other man couldn't hear the band - he could see it. In his mind's eye as the gentleman by the window portrayed it with descriptive words.

Days and weeks passed.

One morning, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths only to find the lifeless body of the man by the window, who had died peacefully in his sleep. She was saddened and called the hospital attendants to take the body away.

As soon as it seemed appropriate, the other man asked if he could be moved next to the window. The nurse was happy to make the switch, and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him alone. Slowly, painfully, he propped himself up on one elbow to take his first look at the real world outside. He strained to slowly turn to look out the window beside the bed. It faced a blank wall. The man asked the nurse what could have compelled his deceased roommate who had described such wonderful things outside this window.

The nurse responded that the man was blind and could not even see the wall.
She said, "Perhaps he just wanted to encourage you."

There is tremendous happiness in making others happy, despite our own situations. Shared grief is half the sorrow, but happiness when shared, is doubled.
If you want to feel rich, just count all the things you have that money can't buy.
"Today is a gift, that's why it is called the present."

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Four Things about me

Four Things about me, Things you may not have known about me.....

A) Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Legal Secretary
2. Office Administrator - IT
3. Office Manager - Accounts
4. Admin Assistant - Zest

B) Four movies I would watch over and over
1. Blue Crush
2. Bridget Jones' Diary (both of them)
3. The Godfather movies
4. Top Gun (an oldie but a goodie, although I do cry too much in it)

C) Four places I have lived
1. Hillarys
2. Doubleview
3. Kalamunda
4. Northam (very unfortunate)

D) Four TV shows I love to watch:
1. Survivor
2. Desperate Housewives
3. Grey's Anatomy (although its a bit late for me these days)
4. Big Brother (yes I am a sucker)

E) Four places I have been on vacation:
1. New Zealand
2. Hamilton Island & Great Keppel Isand
3. Beijing
4. Langkawi

F) Websites visited daily:
1. Everyone's blog
2. Ninemsn
3. Nova 93.7
4. Big Brother (I know I shouldn't admit that)

G) Four of my favourite foods:
1. Pancakes with maple syrup (i.e. champagne brunch)
2. Home made pizza
3. Hot chocolate (low fat) with marshmallows
4. Tuna mornay pasta bake

H) Four places I would rather be right now:
1. The gym
2. Anywhere relaxing with my husband (as he is always working)!!!
3. Europe with my friends :(
4. At a pub with a view with my friends......
Week Two, Day Ten...

Another day...hump day! I'm actually in a much better mood today - I slogged it out and got through my cardio last night, no more running for me! I challenged the cross trainer instead and although I find it incredibly boring I persevered listening to my mp3!

So I think that is why I am soo chirpy today - I am actually really looking forward to my sessiont his arvo...arms, back & 40 mins cardio...wahoo!

I have to drop Stu off at the airport late tonight for his flight...boo hoo...but he comes back Sunday night so its not too bad - am using the weekend for a bit of "me" time and to catch up with my friends and my Mummy!

Thanks to all for the yummo oats recipes - I seriously am hanging out for my breakkie tomorrow morning..ha!

Hmmm, what else? Well I guess I am being a little impatient since I have really only just got back into my exercise but I can see that is getting on track now so my next hurdles are weekend drinking and I think dinner time - I've got food during the day down pat but I think my bad area is dinner...just gotta figure out some good recipes for my body...hmmmm...trial and error it is. Tonight I'm making a vegetable & cashew stir fry with a vietnamese flavour base. I went to our local fruit & veg shop (cost me a fortune) and bought some organic veges, so the stir-fry tonight will be loaded with chinese cabbage, zuchinni, carrot, capsicum, onion, baby corn, mushrooms etc...hmmmm..will see how it goes!

Right have just seen Rae's "4 Things You Don't Know About Me" and I love those so will post mine!

AND if anyone would like their blogs linked to mine let me know as I would love to add you - although I don't actually know how to???

Keep smiling all,

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Stupid Question...

I notice quite a few people have oats for breakfast - how do you have it? i.e. I make porridge with milk and splenda but I find this a bit too dense in my stomach.....
Week Two, Day Nine

Well I am a bit down today - not sure why, just having one of those days I guess. Think a few things are piling up on me..boring, boring though!

I left work early yesterday because our main server had to be sent away to be rebuilt, am still waiting for it today so am just doing manual paper account work before it comes back...wish it would hurry up.

Had a good PT session yesterday but didn't really push too hard as i have hurt my groin from running on Sunday so we just went lightly on legs so I wouldn't hurt it further...today I can still feel it...grrrr.

Anyways so the plan is still to go to the gym this arvo and do some cardio - no running though. Actually PT discussed that I should probably just try forgetting the running coz I always seem to injure myself when I do run, I have a bad knee and my groin always plays up so that is it for me for running - short lived career..haha...will just do more cross trainer, bike and power walking (which is fine) instead.

Okay well I am a sad sack today so I better go....oh but here's a question: I have a heap of mushrooms at home (got like a cheap bunch for about 1kg so couldn't resist) but I really have to use them up for dinner tonight but in my cupboard I only really have two tins tuna, zuchini and pasta....aghhhhh.......so I am trying to concoct up a tuna mushroom recipe so I don't have to buy too many more ingredients...help?

Monday, June 19, 2006

Week Two Day Eight

Morning All,

Well what a weekend - I have been hesitating blogging today due to my bad weekend. But then I rethought about the whole situation and in the end something good did come out of it all, as I realised how things can blow out soo easily and you must stay focused all the time - yes its a free meal but it should only extend to that, if you want to see results!

So basically went out Friday night for drinks and dinner - turned into a rather big one culminating with getting home at 3am...not good...was not well Saturday and nor was Stu so the whole of Saturday was a write off and we got nothing much achieved. I did go shopping with my Mum and had money to spend but hence I just wasn't feeling very well and could hardly buy anything - now that is sad!!

I did get on track a lot better on Sunday as I felt more revitalised - I did some house cleaning, then 45 mins cardio - I just did a little 15 min run as I have knee probs and haven't run for a few months now....my groin is sooo achey today! After that went to see the Breakup with some girlfriends in Subi - I soooo loved it, Jennifer Anniston is just totally gorgeous and funny, she is hilarious! It was really good and I am going to take Stu to go see it when he gets back from Mallala next week - I can see he may learn a few lessons from it...hahaha!

Okay so today is Monday and I am back on track for the week - at lunch time today I have a PT session with my trainer so I am really looking forward to that, we are having major computer problems with our accounting system so I may just go home after that as our whole server is being taken away to be rebuilt which means I can't really do anything except email and surf the net! So I will go home and clean the house that I was meant to do on Saturday - see wasted day due to alcohol overconsumption and midnight munchies...grrrrr

Am focussing on moving forward and not dwelling on stupid mistakes - you live and learn!

Right so big smiles to you all, I am off to do something, I guess!!


Friday, June 16, 2006

Week One Day Five

Wahooo, day 5 already!!! I am soo happy - my goal was really to get through this first week as from there I know I can dig right in and get into my fitness!! Its always starting that is hard!

I'm not over pushing myself at the moment as I know if I go to hard, too strict too fast I will fall flat on my face. So last night was my night off - mainly because Stu surprised me and got home at 5.15pm, he never gets home til 7.30pm or 8pm each night, I almost dropped the dishes I was doing!! So we had a bit of a family night - Stu walked our boys (dogs by the way), whilst I cooked up a big stir-fry, yes with cashews, and we were planning on having a spa but it hadn't heated up in time and then Lost was on and I was not missing that...soo hopefully tonight or over the weekend - probably the weekend as I am looking forward to sitting back in the spa with a nice glass of wine!

Aghh...anyway today I am refreshed, over my cashews for the week, and ready for a good cardio session this arvo.

This weekend Stu has Saturday off so we are planning on going looking at motorbikes for him at some bike stores then Rowe & Jarman are having closing down sales so wanna check out if they have any bargains then it will be time to hit the gym in the arvo.

I love weekends!

Sunday Stu is working at Wanneroo Raceway so I will do the boring cleaning the house stuff, then gym then am meeting some friends in Subi for Japanese and am going to see The Break Up. I sooo can't wait to see that movie, it looks awesome! I love Jen A so have been hanging out to see this movie.

I am making Stu a very healthy pork roast (no fat etc) on Sunday night as on Thursday he flies out to Adelaide for a race meeting for the weekend, so gotta treat him whilst i have him here still!!!

Hmmm..well I think I have rabbited on a bit now - sorry about that - I have had a great first week blogging, thank you all!

Everyone have a fantastic weekend.


Thursday, June 15, 2006

Week One Day Four

Welll...sometimes its really the little things in life that make you smile!!! I am a cashew addict, seriously, I can totally devour any cashew in sight and last night I went to the shops to quickly get some veges etc for dinner and came across the cashew section...I had missed my arvo snack as I got busy (will explain shortly) and after the gym was starving so I contemplated buying some cashews...I picked them up...I put them down and walked away! I was sooo proud of myself - see it is the little things in life - normally I would have gone "oh its ok, I deserve it, I've been to the gym etc" but NOPE this time I thought I wanna see a good result, I deserve better and besides its only a few days away til my free meal on the weekend - breakthrough..haha!

Anyways so yesterday I went out and bought a Zen Nano mp3 and decided to quickly set it up and put songs from my computer onto it and then head to the gym and do cardio...hmmmm....2 hours later & 2 phone calls to the support line! But in the end I got it sorted and even though I was 2 hours late for the gym I still went and did an awesome cardio workout - yah!

Stu got his new car last night - I think I said it was a camry yesterday but its a Magna, I only briefly saw it late last night but its really nice, I was actually spun out how nice a Magna is!! So tonight after work we will go for a little drive in it!

Okay well I better be off - I have a friend coming up for a coffee (aka green tea) shortly so I better go make sure all the staff pays have gone through etc....then some more cardio this arvo before food shopping!!

Take care all.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Week One Day Three

Morning All,

Thank you to you all for your wonderful words of welcome and support - it is soo appreciated as we all need support!!

Well I opened my mouth too soon yesterday...about work being slow - it ballooned out and I ended up working back really late and missed the gym....my husband got home even later from work at 10pm!!!! Anyways I am still quite happy as I kept my eating clean and portion sizes perfect...I was really tempted a couple times there but I kept thinking of the end result and it got me through - so yah :)

Already today hasn't gone to plan either as yet but that happens to the best of us and we just have to work around these things. Since my husband got home soo late last night I offered to open up at work this morning so missed my gym session and came here so he could have a bit of a sleep in but nevertheless just opening up these big doors here and putting stock out was a workout in itself.

Also had to cancel my PT session today as we had another staff member call in sick today and one off on workers comp already so I can't leave work during the day BUT hubby has promised that I can get out by at least 4pm to get to the gym and get some trains in...so it will all work out in the end....

After the gym tonight we are going to pick up a new work car - so Stu no longer has to drive a bunky old Falcon and gets to cruise in a new camry, so that is rather exciting!

Hmmm, well folks I think that is all from my end at the moment - keep smiling and think positive, if you want it, it will come!


Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Here tis....this is a picture of my spunky husband and myself in Melbourne during the Grand Prix this year....
Week One Day Two

Now I'm not a massive soccer fan or anything but I have to say I did watch the Socceroos last night and what a game!! How fantastic for the underdog (regardless really of who they are) to win....hmmm, not sure about beating Brazil though, but will have my fingers crossed!!

I'm still all pumped and excited. Did a great arms train at the gym last night and even talked myself into using the rowing machine (eek, always hard work) and then did some bike work...my whole body loved the bed last night from chest on Sunday and arms last night I was exhausted - felt great though - amazing what a workout can do!

So today is a 60 min cardio workout which I will do after work today - luckily not too busy today so will get out of here early...I can't wait!

Eats have been really good too - am very proud of my organisational skills getting all my food prepared before I leave for work - we are straight across the road from a shopping centre here so I used to just go across daily to coles and buy stuff and prepare it in the kitchen here at work but I found I would end up being busy, getting over hungry and picking at my husband's food or making bad choices so preparing before work is much better!

Kimmy - I shall pop over and view your blog now but wow, how exciting your first comp at 50!! That's awesome...I will also post a pic of myself shortly - sorry would love to look like Kate Bosworth but sadly not quite just yet - shortly though :)

Monday, June 12, 2006

Week One Day One

Okay - here I am all fresh and motivated! I had a great weekend. Watched my favorite movie (okay maybe not my favorite favorite but one that really motivates me) - Blue Crush on Saturday - and I have a clear picture of Kate Bosworth in my head! A bit surfy but I just love her tone and in the movie the shots of her actually working hard to get where she needed to be!

Sunday I did chest and walked my beautiful doggies in the Perth sunshine - so that was my mini start to get me back into the gym!

Anyways I didn't get up this morning for the gym as I had a mega headache but I've taken some pills and am feeling 100% better now so cannot wait to hit the gym this afternoon to do arms & shoulders and some cardio if I have time otherwise tomorrow morning is a big cardio session for me!

My husband has come onboard with me too - he's pretty fit already but has been stressed at work and not gyming it but we are both going to ignore excuses and hit the gym together, so that is even better.

I think this time will be different than other attempts for me as I can see a clear picture of what I want and I know I can do it - I'm not too far off what I want, I just have to put in the hard yards - yah!!

Also Rae, thank you soo much for you lovely comment - you are a total inspiration to me - thank you for your support!

Friday, June 09, 2006

Starting afresh & for real on Monday

Okay I am determined, I went shopping for jeans today and I was totally horrified seeing myself in the mirror - I did manage to squeeze into size 8 jeans but I have a very small frame and when I say squeeze I mean it, my thighs look really thick and wobbly and even my upper body looked wobbly and bulky - I was disgusted!!!
In the last year I have put on a good 4-5 kilos and I have only kinda just noticed the extent of it...how is that possible??
Anyways so here goes as off Monday I am fully going back into it - I've decided not to start tomorrow (Saturday) as i have a bit planned and I know if I try I will only get disappointed and disheartened so Monday it is.
So here is the plan:-
Get up each morning early (6 or 6.30am) to do my gym work (if I leave it to the afternoon work always blows out to late and I never end up going to the gym). 4 x cardio sessions, being 45 mins plus and 2 x weight sessions a week - to start with. 1 of the weight sessions is with my PT so that will get my butt into gear pretty quickly.
As for food - the ideal is clean, clean, clean!
Breakfast: Altrnate between egg-white omlettes & veges to fresh fruit & muesli yoghurt
Lunch: A variety of salads with tuna or chickpeas etc...
Dinner: A good dose of veges with protein
Snacks: Dried fruit, fresh fruit etc....
As I make my every one of my partner's meals during the day and night I have to get him onto a similar eating pattern too as otherwise I will succumb and snack on his as I make it - he just goes with the flow, of course he will need a lot more than me and will have treats inbetween.
Anyways so there it is - laid out on the table.
I am sick of feeling large and wobbly and having no self esteem - I know I can be great, as only a year ago I was in top condition...I will be back!!!
Oh and also - aim is to do a daily blog...onwards I charge.