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One girl's blog on the eternal effort of finally becoming the person I really want to be. We only live once and so its time fo rme to stop sitting back and dreaming about what I want in life, now its time to become that dream...tears, tantrums, triumphs and laughter - all part of game!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Week One Day Four

Welll...sometimes its really the little things in life that make you smile!!! I am a cashew addict, seriously, I can totally devour any cashew in sight and last night I went to the shops to quickly get some veges etc for dinner and came across the cashew section...I had missed my arvo snack as I got busy (will explain shortly) and after the gym was starving so I contemplated buying some cashews...I picked them up...I put them down and walked away! I was sooo proud of myself - see it is the little things in life - normally I would have gone "oh its ok, I deserve it, I've been to the gym etc" but NOPE this time I thought I wanna see a good result, I deserve better and besides its only a few days away til my free meal on the weekend - breakthrough..haha!

Anyways so yesterday I went out and bought a Zen Nano mp3 and decided to quickly set it up and put songs from my computer onto it and then head to the gym and do cardio...hmmmm....2 hours later & 2 phone calls to the support line! But in the end I got it sorted and even though I was 2 hours late for the gym I still went and did an awesome cardio workout - yah!

Stu got his new car last night - I think I said it was a camry yesterday but its a Magna, I only briefly saw it late last night but its really nice, I was actually spun out how nice a Magna is!! So tonight after work we will go for a little drive in it!

Okay well I better be off - I have a friend coming up for a coffee (aka green tea) shortly so I better go make sure all the staff pays have gone through etc....then some more cardio this arvo before food shopping!!

Take care all.


Jehanne said...

Mmmmmmmm, I am like with all nuts, particularly pistacios... well done for resisting, lol.

Kimmy said...

Yes can relate to the cashews - they are my favourite - doesn't it make you feel fantastic when you have achieved that little feat. That was like me the other day when I actually put a cashew in my mouth to break it in two to see if they were still fresh for my party.
My mind was going eat it, spit it out, eat it, spit it out but I spat it out and it felt soooooo good.
I see you really know your cars :) A Magna I can get excited about - they are lovely but a Camry??? :)
Have a great day

Andrea said...

Downloading music onto your nano can be so addictive. I have been know to use an entire month worth of broadband Download limit in one day looking for songs.
Have fun - they are the best invention ever.

RaeC said...

Oh me too!! Cashews, fresh dates and chocolate are ALWAYS on my list for after comp. In fact you will ALWAYS find them in my comp bag so I can have them as soon as I come off stage!! LOVE THEM, LOVE THEM, LOVE THEM!! xxx