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One girl's blog on the eternal effort of finally becoming the person I really want to be. We only live once and so its time fo rme to stop sitting back and dreaming about what I want in life, now its time to become that dream...tears, tantrums, triumphs and laughter - all part of game!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Week Three, Day 15...

Hmmm...well it is already week 3 and I have noticed a bit of a pattern occuring. I do soo well during the week and low and behold I stuff it all up over the weekend.

Yep, did more gym sessions last week so I was happy with that but then of course I overate and drank wayyyy too much on Sat night and then it just spiralled into drinking wayyyy too much and eating wayyy too much on Sunday too...

Grrr....so I was rather grumpy yesterday and probably took it out on my hubby a bit too much *oophs* Plus went home early as wasn't feeling too well, probably a combination of things!

Anyways I have re-grouped today and am learning things as each week goes by. I put in soo much effort during the week that I should have more pride in what I have done and not ruin it just for the weekend. That does not mean I won't have a drink because I will, I find I do need to be social but what I need to learn is to keep it to one day and one day only.

This weekend is my step-Dad's birthday so Sat night I am having the family over for dinner, so am making chicken lasagne and I will have wine with them all that night to celebrate but will not have any on Sunday and will get back on track rather than leaving it til Monday *new Melly*...yah!

Anyways I didn't want to post today as I am still feeling a bit yuk and am having to talk myself out of feeling sorry for myself so that I go to the gym today. Although I may just do weights and perhaps 20 mins bike as both my calves are soo sore - I was wearing heels earlier today and I think my calves cramped up and I have had to change into my gym gear so as to help ease off my calves....very strange.....

Anyways enough babble...onwards!!


Andrea said...

Try mixing soda water with the wine (if you are having white) that way you will only drink half as much and feel as though you have had the same amount!

Jehanne said...

Dont give in... Do you prepare your meals in advance on the weekend too... thats where I find I give in - if I havent planned meals and its too easy to grab something else. No body is perfect, dont beat yourself up! Just get up and try again. xo ;)