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One girl's blog on the eternal effort of finally becoming the person I really want to be. We only live once and so its time fo rme to stop sitting back and dreaming about what I want in life, now its time to become that dream...tears, tantrums, triumphs and laughter - all part of game!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Week Two, Day Nine

Well I am a bit down today - not sure why, just having one of those days I guess. Think a few things are piling up on me..boring, boring though!

I left work early yesterday because our main server had to be sent away to be rebuilt, am still waiting for it today so am just doing manual paper account work before it comes back...wish it would hurry up.

Had a good PT session yesterday but didn't really push too hard as i have hurt my groin from running on Sunday so we just went lightly on legs so I wouldn't hurt it further...today I can still feel it...grrrr.

Anyways so the plan is still to go to the gym this arvo and do some cardio - no running though. Actually PT discussed that I should probably just try forgetting the running coz I always seem to injure myself when I do run, I have a bad knee and my groin always plays up so that is it for me for running - short lived career..haha...will just do more cross trainer, bike and power walking (which is fine) instead.

Okay well I am a sad sack today so I better go....oh but here's a question: I have a heap of mushrooms at home (got like a cheap bunch for about 1kg so couldn't resist) but I really have to use them up for dinner tonight but in my cupboard I only really have two tins tuna, zuchini and pasta....aghhhhh.......so I am trying to concoct up a tuna mushroom recipe so I don't have to buy too many more ingredients...help?


Andrea said...

ooh - That sounds youm - Just add a tomato based sauce and some low fat grated cheese on top.
Perhaps grate the zucchini and just chuck it in right at the end so it is only lightly cooked.
So there you have it - Tuna with mushroom and zucchini tomato sauce!

Mel said...

Oh yum! That sounds perfect, I love love love zucchini, I didn't think of grating it - thanks dear!