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One girl's blog on the eternal effort of finally becoming the person I really want to be. We only live once and so its time fo rme to stop sitting back and dreaming about what I want in life, now its time to become that dream...tears, tantrums, triumphs and laughter - all part of game!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Now where do I start....

I'm back and busy...there just seems to be no "me" time at the moment....but diet & exercise are certainly still on my mind..will go into that shortly...but to update the adventure so far...

Mt Buller & Melbourne

Let's see...we flew out on the Thursday night midnight flight, I was a little stressed out so I got really nervous about the flight and almost didn't hop on but in the end did (as Stu said he was going without me anyways..what choice did I have?) and actually fell asleep so again was in Melbourne in no time! We got in about 6am and then went to the workshop, which has a loft with a bed, shower etc, and had a 2 hour sleep before heading off!!

Got to MB about 6pm just in time for dinner and a night of drinks....

Anyways Saturday arvo I went down the bottom of the mountain with hubby, that is where the rally starts and the cars climb there way up the 16km winding road. Now let me just say, its a bloody scary road without racing up it, in summer or winter, so I have no idea how these people do it (I stress at doing just 60km)! There were a few accidents but nothing to major. Unfortunately the turbo on the Subaru we were working for went so Saturday was the end of our weekend...so we actually got to go back to Melbourne on Sunday morning and spent 2 days there before flying back home - it was pretty boring during the day as hubby just worked the whole time on cars - oh the fun!

BUT....I saw Jennifer Hawkins (aka Miss Universe) and her boyfriend Jake walking past me whilst I was checking our Chapel St - she is absolutely stunning, not sticky thin either but just perfect and very stylish and OMG Jake is just sooo spunky - I had to try and be cool and not stare too much but it was hard.

**I soo wished we lived in Melbourne its just the hottest spot and it just feels like "home" every time we got back!**

So there you go my weekend in a nutshell - it was actually a really funny weekend and certainly not as busy as when Stu races...

Diet & Exercise

Well I had a little sad the other night, everything just caught up on me on the realisation of my 1kg weight gain hit me. My trainer had really told me off about the gain and now every time I see him he really lays into me and questions everything I eat/do...so I think it finally hit home and I just cried.....but then I was like "all this crying is not doing me any good, I gotta start doing something rather than just saying or thinking about!".

To be honest I am still in the mentality of when I was really thin and although I am not massively overweight or anything I'll be heading that way if these increases still continue. I realised that I am not that "thin" person that I once was and that I have to do something about this to get back to being happy because I'm not happy with myself at the moment and the only person I can blame is myself. There is no point asking people if they can tell I have put on weight because in reality not many people are going to tell you the truth, so I have been deluding myself and with my weight gain it kinda hit home that this is the biggest I have been since I was overweight in high school...boom, lightening has struck - I've finally got it.

Soo in that respect I am trying the best I can at the moment, considering how busy we are. Our house sale goes thru next Monday (19th) and the place is still full of junk as we have been away soo much. Today we have to go sort out what we are selling in our garage sale there tomorrow and setup for that, then tomorrow is the garage sale and trying to empty the house out...then we only have next Saturday to get everything else out and clean it - I have absolutely no idea how we are gonna get this done, but I'm not thinking too far forward because I will only get stressed out.

Work is also flat out with a lot of changes being made and a lot of afterwork paperwork and agreements to work on - aghhh!

So I'm still doing my PT sessions, my body circuit classes, I went to our local gym yesterday and did some cardio and unfortunately its the weekend and raining but I'm really concentrating on doing exercise each day and have salad with dinner and no pasta or heavy carbs and to be honest I am feeling better already. So 2kg is the goal for before Xmas, I think that's realistic, if I can manage my nightly meals I can do this as I think that is where this weight is coming from.

I also bought some XLR8 tablets from the health food shop to help speed up the ole metabolism and burn some fat, so we'll see how I go with those, has anyone tried this before??

Right I'm off to check on everyone's blogs - will update on the ole new "determination and lightening bolt" adventure soon...



little rene said...

Oh Mel

I just wanted to reach through the computer and give you a hug! I understand exactly what you are going through and know how you feel.

Just do the best that you can. Try not to get overwhelmed by it all and just do what you can. Make sensible food choices, try to exercise every day and in a few weeks you will start to feel good again. I promise!

It is always just SO frustrating when you first realise that you have begun to expand but you have to remember that it took a while to put weight on so it will take a little while to get it off :)

Be happy georgous girl, you can do it!



Unknown said...

Don't be so hard on yourself! We all have dodgy days, weeks, months and all you can do is keep on trucking!

Let me know how the XLR8 tabs go - I wouldn't mind a bit of a kick in my metabolism.

Em :)

Bec said...

Hi Mel,

Don't be so hard on yourself, weight loss takes time. I am 'good' for a few weeks and lose a few kilos, and then eat more than I should and put it back. I was once 'thin' and ate like a pig when I was pregnant. I learned a hard lesson. I can feel your frustration, I have it too! We can do this.

Although it has been tough, I have found that calorie counting seems to be working for me right now. I try to stick to a certain limit and have a cheat day (within reason) once a week. This helps keep me sane. We can both try for 2 more kilos before xmas, even at 0.5kg a week that is 4 weeks.

Congrats on the house settlement, Monday is our lucky day!!

Good luck

Miss Positive said...

OMG you have been busy!

You have got so much on your plate at the moment, I know how hard it can be to focus when life is a bit of a whirlwind! 2kgs before Christmas is a totally do-able goal, I'm sure you will kick ass!

Good luck with the house settlement!

Hilary xx

RaeC said...

So you put on a kilo or two... it's no biggie!! Just think of those poor people who are 30-40 kgs overweight compared to your measly 2!! They have it a lot harder than you do, so if you put your weight gain into perspective, it should put a positive spin on it and you will hopefully realise you don't have very far to go at all. Just put your head down and focus. The trick is to do it in small goals and increments. Divide 2kgs by the number of weeks before Christmas and that will show you how many grams you need to lose each week. Just make it a weekly goal. Have fun honey... you will achieve this goal no problems!! xxx