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One girl's blog on the eternal effort of finally becoming the person I really want to be. We only live once and so its time fo rme to stop sitting back and dreaming about what I want in life, now its time to become that dream...tears, tantrums, triumphs and laughter - all part of game!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Quick update...

Just a quick one as we fly out tonight for Sydney - we get back on Monday - yah! And I just found out that we pretty much have all of Thursday to ourselves so we can actually venture into Sydney and do some sightseeing and then we don't have to pick up the rest of the team til 10pm that night so we can even eat in town there...am getting excited...except for the plane ride part, which is freaking me out!!! (I have flown heaps of times, I am just a whimp).

Otherwise things have been good. I did the John Hughes Big Walk on Sunday. 20km, Perth to Fremantle. This is my 4th year of doing it and it was easy peasy, although I was over it by the end of it!!!

Anyways I kicked my butt into action with regards to food this week and have been feeling heaps better. Although today for lunch I succumbed to my favorite turkish bread roll for lunch and now i feel all stodgy and yuk - lesson learnt, they are no longer my favorite! Plus I couldn't make my body circuit class this morning because we are just soo busy trying to sort work stuff out before we leave....I am taking my laptop so that whilst Stu is on the track I can draft up some new work changes that need to be implemented by our staff etc...

And I also found a Fitness First just near where we are staying over east so I intend of doing some exercise whilst I am there otherwise I know I will start feeling gross.

Ok, so I better go - I've had all my waxing done today, so I am hair free and also did a quick bit of shopping so I look somewhat stylish before hitting Sydney...wonder if they will have any good bargains over there (note to self...must save myself from splurging til our "proper" holiday at the end of November)...

Kick ass crew!!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Feeling a bit …..

Well I should be feeling quite good as I have (like I promised myself) upped my exercise a bit but food is still the major culprit in ruining my good efforts.

Let’s start with the exercise…starting from where I left off last Thursday…(I’ve had a horrible cold for like 2 weeks now so Friday was a write off as it kinda fully kicked in…or maybe alcohol from the night before may have been part of it?!)

Ok so I’ve been really good since last week and walked around the river (with little jogs in there when I could, just easing my knee into it) on Saturday and Sunday and yesterday (Tuesday) as well.

Then yesterday I also did Jacob’s Ladder in the arvo, my legs were already tired from my morning walk/run and I pushed myself to do a bit more running than normal on my walk, so I could really feel them. I haven’t done JL for years so I was quite proud of 6 sets in just over 20 mins. It’s probably pretty tame but I am definitely going to go a couple times a week and build up to more and quicker….

Today I did another one of the Body Circuit classes, which I love.

Tomorrow (Thursday) I have a PT session and my trainer promises he is going to kick my ass for going out drinking and eating thai last night (doh).

So then it’s Friday, I actually have to work this Friday so dunno if I will get a chance to do any exercise, probably just walk the boys in the morning and then it’s the weekend and I can get stuck into JL on Saturday and walking/jogging the river again.

So I’m getting there with upping my exercise, I just have to keep pushing myself.

At the moment my legs, and I mean all of my legs not just my calves, are so soo sore. I can’t imagine what they are gonna be like tomorrow, coz at this stage its very hard to walk…haha…also they are soo tight and thick feeling – I actually feel worse than usual, I feel soo thick and fat. Grrrr…I know its just that my muscles are swollen and full of blood but still….

Last Thursday night my feet were soo swollen from wearing my new shoes in for 2 days and when I got home my legs had actually got all swollen too and I couldn’t do up my knee high boots without the zip pinching my calves….yes, there were tears – luckily Stu came home and promised me I hadn’t just put on a huge amount of weight in one day and that I was all swollen up – eeek! Not nice at all.

Right so food – this is where I seem to be going wrong. Numero Uno problem is after dinner – I seem to be craving something sweet these days…I never never used to and now in the last couple months I have become a complete chocolate/sweet tooth…the next major problem is I cannot stand “salads”. I really don’t like lettuce, any type, it boring and flavourless…so no matter what my good intentions are to plan a meat and salad dinner by the end of the day I just cannot do it, I can’t stand lettuce/salads, unless of course we are talking lots of cheese or avocado…see soo slight problem. Tonight is a prime example I have chicken out and we are meant to have a salad (and Stu will have chips as well as he needs more) but just thought of the gross salad is doing my head in – so I’m trying to think of what else I can be having instead, some veges…oh yes, I think some sweet potato and some nice steamed veges…we could be on a winner…

Baby steps…its all about baby steps….

PS – my pysco PT reckons my aim for the month is to lose 2kg, well the month is almost up and I am more than likely to put on 2kg than lose it….great!


Thursday, October 12, 2006

Party Pic...

Stu and I had to go to a "G" themed fancy dress party the other weekend. Just to clarify, we do not look like this normally and Stu = a Gothic and I = Gwen Stefani...just if you couldn't tell...it was soo much fun!!!

Crazy, Crazy…

Wahoo….we accepted an offer on our house on Wednesday morning. So a week on the market and its all gone now! We are really really happy with the offer we got and we didn’t want to be too greedy and what we loved is that the people that put the offer on it loved it the first minute they saw it just as we had. And it was a really good offer so its all smiles all round. Its also a quick settlement and should be all done by mid to late November!!!

On Wednesday morning I did my first body circuit class at my gym. I have been putting it off as I am just such a whimp at trying new things and have already cancelled twice but alas I dragged myself to it and I loved it, totally!! It was awesome fun, really hard but got your cardio right up. So I am gonna try and do that class twice a week. Plus an RPM class down at Vic Park.

I don’t think food is my problem I think its pushing myself harder to do more intense exercise.. I am such a whimp and get really shy so always put things off – even going for a run in public, I know stupid but that’s me. But this body circuit class was really good for me as it got me out of my groove and kinda got a little competitive streak happening with me. So I have promised myself to up the anti and I reckon that will do it as I have just been cruising with the same/easy-ish cardio for ages now. No wonder I am not seeing any results and slowly losing the battle of the bludge! But never fear, I’m gonna be kicking my ass and looking hot for summer very shortly!

Tonight we are off to dinner and drinks at Burswood with a friend that has flown over from Melbourne for business, so I'm really looking forward to that - I really like Sirocco's down there...hmmmm

Tomorrow I have off so I’m gonna go do Jacob’s Ladder in the morning before heading out for more furniture shopping with my Mum. Then its just the usual cleaning the house and walking the boys in the arvo. That night I think I am meeting a friend for Friday night bevvies and the rest of the weekend is just a go with the flow one at the moment, although I think dinner out at our new favourite Italian restaurant with friends is in the pipeline…

What else? Oh bring back the summer weather – pllleaaasseeee!!!

Ohhh how could I forget? Last night we went motorbike looking for Stu and he picked the one he wants, he's hoping to get it delivered for the weekend then I get to get a leather jacket...wahoo - I can just see us cruising around in summer...haha

Ok, I'm off....have a great weekend all :)

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Rolling along...

Howdy all….agh, what a weekend. Yuk, I ended up getting gastro on Friday night and recovered properly on Sunday!

Well exercise is getting more on track. Did my first big walk around the river on Friday morning. OMG it was just soo lovely, the weather, the views etc…I am building up my summer tan (on my upper body) already – I just gotta break out the shorts one of these days, I’m just too scared of scaring people with the shade of white that they are!

Yesterday I went for another walk around the river on my day off but this time in the other direction and as stupid as it sounds it was harder in that direction – I was puffed but mainly my knees got really weak and I couldn’t wait to get home!

So finally exercise is getting on track and I see our local recreation centre has RPM classes in the mornings. I’ve never done one of those before but Stu’s keen to go so I think we will schedule that into one of our mornings before work – I’m looking forward to it.

I’m actually just about to hit the gym for my weekly PT session – I seriously hope its not as hard as last week, he tried to kill me, I’m sure!

Eating is going ok, I never eat chocolate but lately I have just wanted some each day so I gotta keep from giving in each night – I am strong I can do this….I wish I loved fruit but I’m just soo damn picky!

Not sure what the go is tonight – normally I would just veg on the couch but strangely since we have moved I have loved going out and doing something each night and the thought of just plodding home is a bit boring so maybe Stu and I will go for a quick walk just for something different (ha) near the river and then cook a stir fry or something together – or perhaps we should have a spa before dinner…aghhh, decisions..haha

Ok, off I go…. Xxx

PS – Em, if you had seen me walking the boys this morning you would have been in hysterics!! Seriously they were soo overexcited and Basil kept eating things off the ground (i.e. slice of pizza), he was soo quick I could never catch up and then when I did he refused to open his mouth even with me sticking my fingers in it to get the food out – he is very strong when it comes to food ;)

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Adventures of Chester & Basil….

Well my baby beagles. They have actually taken some adjusting to the new place. I really didn’t expect, I didn’t think about it that much really and just thought they would settle in as normal. But no so, there has been lots of crying and Chester, who is normally the most well behaved of the two, has been quite naughty whereas Basil has been amazingly well trained – except for the running off with my favourite Napolean lip gloss – but never fear I did retrieve…the end did get pulled off but if I transfer it into a little lip gloss pot it will be re-usable…thank god…!!

Anyways so yes this post is about our “boys”….

As part of moving to a smaller property and closer to the river, I have to walk them every morning before work (I work 3 days a week) and then each day of the weekend – on my days off I dare say I will take them out too….they love it. They get soo excited. We have just been soo busy up here in the hills lately that we have really neglected walking them during winter and to be honest I just didn’t want to walk anywhere around here. I am now excited about walked around the river and even along Albany Hwy if I have to go the shops – the boys just love all the attention they get from other people walking. They are soo cute and look pretty much exactly the same.

But let’s get onto my adventure of walking the boys before work for the first time this morning. Yep I braved it…actually I bounded out of bed at 5.50am – Stu went off to swimming and I collected two very over excited beagles and headed out. Now to start with it was a hassle even putting the leashes on them. One of them jumps all over the place and one of them is scared of the chain, so yes it is very amusing to watch me…I am sure!

So off we headed…two mad dogs and one getting very “over it” Mel. Normally Stu and I walk one each. I have walked them both before and they aren’t too bad but seriously this morning they were just soo excited.

I have to say it is just soo beautiful along the river – the view is sensational.

Now my little adventure is about “dog poop” – so just a pre-warning. Anyways as I said Stu and I normally walk them together so I always get him to do the picking up off and in Kalamunda there is heaps of bushland so we are normally lucky to get away with having to pick it up.

So the entire way I prayed and prayed that they wouldn’t stop to “do” anything. But I know Chester always just loves to save himself up for our walks whereas Basil rarely does. Now Mr Chester somehow found a vacant lot with bush on it and hid himself in a bush that I couldn’t get to – so yah, very happy about that. I have to say it was soo trying walking them this morning, for anyone that doesn’t have beagles or know beagles, they love sniffing…nose to the ground and sniff – once on a scent it can be hard to deter them…so here I have two hyperactive beagles on sniffing missions and luckily for me, going in opposite directions today – NOT! I was very very over it. Then to top off my morning walk as I am thanking my lucky stars that Basil hasn’t gone and we are a mere 100 metres from home. Out comes a lovely old gentleman to his front lawn to put out some bins and before I know it Bas has stopped dead set in front him and you can imagine what he did. I swear, I was soo embarrassed but then I had to face my fear and pick up…so double bagged I went, both dogs pulling on me…to pick it up and pop it in the bin, breathe held, eyes closed – I am sure I looked a sight, but I did it and I survived!

First “poop” adventure done – am now bracing myself for tomorrow morning – haha J

Long Weekend – the Big Move!

Howdy all,

Yahh…we are all moved in (well kinda) to our new pad. It feels like a little holiday house – even my father in law said that the other day when they came down to check it out.

Now let’s see if I can remember back to how the weekend went, it feels like ages ago already!

I spent Friday madly running around with Mum shopping. I ordered some bookcases, which I will get this Friday. I also bought a lovely new mirror for our entrance way, a big cream shag pile type run and a funky square coffee table. All from Freedom – I totally love Freedom. We did go into Ikea, but it was just madness.

We also had our new plasma and our fridge/freezer delivered and all set up. The new telly is awesome – even better that they connected it to our stereo and dvd player etc…so all I had to do was learn how to use it.

Friday night I went to the casino for drinks with my friend – got home about midnight, it was fun. Paddy’s had a really good fun band playing so we jumped around for a bit…made me feel better about drinking…kinda working it off at the same time…haha!

Saturday was very hectic. I accidentally looked at my watch wrong and got us up an hour early and was at the truck hire place at 7am instead of 8am – whoops! But it turned out ok coz my Mum flew up to Broome to go on the True North boat for a week and I had to pick her car up from the airport so we got that out of the way nice and early…anyways then the boys moved all our big furniture to the new place and set I all up looking good in time to watch the GF. WOW, what a game… After that we all had drinks so we retired for the day and just sat around chatting and drinking, had a bbq and then had a spa – got out about 2am…yep, oophs again – but it was awesome fun and a great way to celebrate our “proper” first night at the new house!

Sunday was up at 7am to take the truck back (YUK). Then we took our beagles for a walk along part of the river (they are not fit enough for longer than an hour at the moment). The rest of the day we did house stuff i.e. put up extra fencing to keep the Chester & Baz safe and then we had friends come over to check out our new place. It was nice but we were soo exhausted. We both just managed to keep our eyes open til 11pm to watch the first lap of the Formula One – we both soo wanted to watch it on our new big screen….haha

And then there was Monday – I got a call from the real estate agent to say he had two people that wanted to see our house on Tuesday so we had to go up the hill to clean the house – a good 4 hours later and it looked spic! Then Stu’s folks came down to see our new pad – yes, we are having lots of visitors now…haha

Soo our weekend was really go, go, go…we are just exhausted at the moment and things haven’t even slightly slowed down.

We have however managed to start our fitness regimes this week – I had a kick ass PT session, he almost killed me I swear….or I almost killed him with my whinging…haha. And this morning I walked the boys along the river again – more of that in my next post! Tonight is squash (if we can make it, as work is really busy and not sure if we will be out by 6.30pm!).

I have to walk the boys every morning before work so I get that extra bit of exercise too plus on my days off I will do Jacob’s Ladder and walk/run around the river (if my knees hold up, whole other story, yet again). Plus my pilates and PT session so I reckon summer is gonna be great – bring it on!

I totally love Vic Park at the moment – I’ve found an awesome butcher and fruit/veg place and its just soo close to everything and everyone. This Friday night we will go and check out a couple of the pubs…our new locals!! Wahoo…with all this exercise and watching my food, I am sure my social drinking will balance it all out – and pleasseee, you have to have some fun in life!

Right this has been a tad long – I wonder if anyone made it all the way thru…haha

Cheers bellas,