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One girl's blog on the eternal effort of finally becoming the person I really want to be. We only live once and so its time fo rme to stop sitting back and dreaming about what I want in life, now its time to become that dream...tears, tantrums, triumphs and laughter - all part of game!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Adventures of Chester & Basil….

Well my baby beagles. They have actually taken some adjusting to the new place. I really didn’t expect, I didn’t think about it that much really and just thought they would settle in as normal. But no so, there has been lots of crying and Chester, who is normally the most well behaved of the two, has been quite naughty whereas Basil has been amazingly well trained – except for the running off with my favourite Napolean lip gloss – but never fear I did retrieve…the end did get pulled off but if I transfer it into a little lip gloss pot it will be re-usable…thank god…!!

Anyways so yes this post is about our “boys”….

As part of moving to a smaller property and closer to the river, I have to walk them every morning before work (I work 3 days a week) and then each day of the weekend – on my days off I dare say I will take them out too….they love it. They get soo excited. We have just been soo busy up here in the hills lately that we have really neglected walking them during winter and to be honest I just didn’t want to walk anywhere around here. I am now excited about walked around the river and even along Albany Hwy if I have to go the shops – the boys just love all the attention they get from other people walking. They are soo cute and look pretty much exactly the same.

But let’s get onto my adventure of walking the boys before work for the first time this morning. Yep I braved it…actually I bounded out of bed at 5.50am – Stu went off to swimming and I collected two very over excited beagles and headed out. Now to start with it was a hassle even putting the leashes on them. One of them jumps all over the place and one of them is scared of the chain, so yes it is very amusing to watch me…I am sure!

So off we headed…two mad dogs and one getting very “over it” Mel. Normally Stu and I walk one each. I have walked them both before and they aren’t too bad but seriously this morning they were just soo excited.

I have to say it is just soo beautiful along the river – the view is sensational.

Now my little adventure is about “dog poop” – so just a pre-warning. Anyways as I said Stu and I normally walk them together so I always get him to do the picking up off and in Kalamunda there is heaps of bushland so we are normally lucky to get away with having to pick it up.

So the entire way I prayed and prayed that they wouldn’t stop to “do” anything. But I know Chester always just loves to save himself up for our walks whereas Basil rarely does. Now Mr Chester somehow found a vacant lot with bush on it and hid himself in a bush that I couldn’t get to – so yah, very happy about that. I have to say it was soo trying walking them this morning, for anyone that doesn’t have beagles or know beagles, they love sniffing…nose to the ground and sniff – once on a scent it can be hard to deter them…so here I have two hyperactive beagles on sniffing missions and luckily for me, going in opposite directions today – NOT! I was very very over it. Then to top off my morning walk as I am thanking my lucky stars that Basil hasn’t gone and we are a mere 100 metres from home. Out comes a lovely old gentleman to his front lawn to put out some bins and before I know it Bas has stopped dead set in front him and you can imagine what he did. I swear, I was soo embarrassed but then I had to face my fear and pick up…so double bagged I went, both dogs pulling on me…to pick it up and pop it in the bin, breathe held, eyes closed – I am sure I looked a sight, but I did it and I survived!

First “poop” adventure done – am now bracing myself for tomorrow morning – haha J


little rene said...

God! isn't that just the GROSSEST thing about owning a dog! Why can't they be trained to use a toilet? LOL

Sounds like you have been on a mission Mel! You must be exhausted! I would love to see some pics of the new pad when you get time.




Unknown said...

That sounds so hilarious!! Your dogs must be gorgeous. Beagles are sooo cute!! Post some pics of them!!

Good to hear that your new place is going well. Very close to the city too!!

Hope you have a nice weekend!

Miss Positive said...

Your puppies sound so cute! I can relate too - our two decide that its "poop" time every single time I walk them! Our big dog is an Alaskan Malamute (he's 60kgs) so you can imagine the size of them!!! EEeeeewwwwwww hhehehe!

Good to hear you are all moved in - its a bit of a relief isn't it?!

Hilary xx