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One girl's blog on the eternal effort of finally becoming the person I really want to be. We only live once and so its time fo rme to stop sitting back and dreaming about what I want in life, now its time to become that dream...tears, tantrums, triumphs and laughter - all part of game!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Boo hoo...
A few things really...went back to get my test results from the doc today - of course nothing really showed up so am off to a specialist to investigate further - but that's not til October.

BUT I have had a sore knee since I ran for 10 mins a week and a half ago and to be honest I have had a sore arm for a couple months now which I ignored but after showing the doc my knee he sent me to the physio...just got back!

My knee is caused from having flat feet and therefore the more exercise I have been doing with my knee/foot out of alignment the worse my knee alignment gets and everything gets inflamed, so luckily nothing is torn or broken but all the joints are rubbing because they are soo inflamed. So he has bandaged up my knee, referred me to a podiatrist, which I go to next Wednesday and I am going back to the physio for more knee exercises (just like holding a position against a wall for a bit) and also for my arm.

My arm is a result from something in my left shoulder being weak and consequently something about the bone going over & under instead of together and then a tendon stretching over the top and its all inflamed - when I go back on Friday we will go over arm exercises and what else I can do to fix it as we ran out of time but hence no weights this week.

I had a bit of a fainting experience because (a) he was pushing and pulling my knee/arm and it bloody hurt and then I just started feeling sick...he said it happens all the time its some sort of nervousness people get - I think thats true because once it hurt and I started feeling sick, it was like shock and I think it all just got to me...so embarrassing! Am SUCH A WHIMP!!!

So today has cost me a fortune AND I can't really do much exercise this week.....now my knee is taped though I think I can do cardio i.e. cross trainer as it doesn't really have any impact so will try that tomorrow morning but no weights til I see him on Friday to see what I need to do with my arm.

Anyways so that is my little whinge/sob story..haha...otherwise I had a great weekend - Stu pampered me lots and bought me a few little pressies when we went shopping on Sat arvo, so that was a huge treat AND we spent the whole weekend together-mainly because we had a few drinks on SAturday and hence Sunday couldn't actually do anything...whoops! I have to be super duper good this week due to not being able to exercise much....grrrrr...you really miss it when you can't do it!

Spose I better get back to work - oh have to say everyone seemed to have updated/re-vamped their blogs over the weekend, must have been something in the air!!

Take care all - Melly. xxx


Kenz said...

Hey Mel, sorry to hear your body is being a pain!! Atleast you will be healthy again soon (even if your bank balance isn't! I had a bad knee and I know how much it holds you back. A little time out now is better in the scheme of things. Get better soon!

Jehanne said...

Wow, well I hope everything heals up quick, just dont be too quick to get back in to the exercise, make sure you let it heal 100%! Sounds like you had a lovely weekend, pressies and shopping always make me feel GREAT!!!!!