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One girl's blog on the eternal effort of finally becoming the person I really want to be. We only live once and so its time fo rme to stop sitting back and dreaming about what I want in life, now its time to become that dream...tears, tantrums, triumphs and laughter - all part of game!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Beagles, Beagles, Beagles....

I soooo did not want to get out of bed this morning for cardio but my gorgeous husband pretty much pushed me out so I really had to get up - I thanked him for it later as now its all done and over with for the day - although still got squash tonight - looking forward to that!!

So all is good up this way. I have taken on board what Andj & Hillary have been saying lately about "visualisation". Instead of getting upset about not being happy with myself I have been pushing those thoughts away and each day visualising how I want to look and to be honest it really has made me feel better - I find I am not dwelling on things which then derail my efforts - instead I am thinking positive and just getting on with - thanks ladies!!!!

Otherwise no real goss from me. We are off to dinner with my father-in-law tomorrow night at Indian, I am determined to pass on the alcohol, I really don't like drinking mid week, it just throws you too much!

There is truck racing at Wanneroo this weekend so no doubt on Sunday Stu will have to go out there for work but hopefully that will only be for a couple of hours as we really need to re-organise our spare rooms - we need to make one of them into a study so Stu can do his motor racing paperwork and calls at night time rather than interrupting him here at work all the time - so looks like I have to get the internet connected at home now, which means we need to get a home phone number again - we just use our mobiles and it ends up soo much cheaper, noooooo line rental fees etc....oh well, we need the internet now so its gotta be done.

I must post a pic of our two beautiful boys (don't be fooled, they are beagles!) - they are such a treat to go home to each night, although they do seem to love Stu more than me as he pays them more attention whilst I do chores, but still they are just adorable and their big floppy ears...awwww.....I'll post a pic shortly - hopefully I have some here at work....actually I went to post some more honeymoon pics, this time at Disneyland, but I couldn't get blogger to work - doh!

Right I shall post that big and then go check out what everyone is up to on their blogs.



Andrea said...

OOhhh Cute Beagles!
Truck racing hey - don't tell Mark I won't see him all day sunday if it is being broadcast on TV. He just bought a truck to transport his race car on and he has been under the cab ever since!
Good to hear the visualisation is working for you. What is really helping me at the moment is the Anthony Robbins book I bought - Unlimited Power.

little rene said...

Hey Mel,
What did you think about Jamie winning Big Brother? I didn't really mind who won but I thought in terms of entertainment value Camilla should have.
Glad to hear that visualisation is working well for you! Stay strong georgous!